I know it doesn't work for every ex witness or fader but one of the best things I ever did which happened years after I left the Borg I started going to a local church near where I live it wasn't a perfect experience nothing ever is but it made me realise just how brainwashed and unloving the meetings at the Kingdom Hall were.
It opened up a whole new way of fellowship with some very interesting and varied individuals some who were not my cup of tea and some who I could get on with very well which is how it should be in all walks of life it gave me a new interest and a way of communicating with others .There were cliques and petty disagreements which is normal within a group but there was a definite sense of freedom which is totally lacking amongst the Witnesses I felt as if I was amongst normal human beings with various human traits and above all regardless of all our faults there was an element of love for mankind so lacking in the horrible cult which I left behind.
There was also a love and respect for the well being of women and children and an atmosphere of the need to nuture love and respect for all mankind .I also noticed an emphasis on music as part of worship which to me was uplifting what a contrast from the sterile Witness worship where they are constantly trying to prove that they are right all the time.
All I can say is try it and if if its not quite right for you try another church but don't give up because I think you could get fulfillment from it.